Nick Johnston


“Weakened by Winter,” “Impossible Things,” “Remarkably Human”


Music PR, Music Marketing, Digital Press and Media Coverage, Digital and SM Marketing Campaigns, Content Creation





MusicPromo Today and Canadian guitarist, recording artist, and songwriter Nick Johnston collaborated for the promotion of the songs “Weakened by Winter,” “Impossible Things,” and “Remarkably Human.” The Instrumental rock master and solo artist is inspired by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eddie Van Halen, Yngwie Malmsteen, Jeff Beck, and Joe Satriani. 

Working with household names like Paul Gilbert, Marco Minnemann, Guthrie Govan, and Bryan Beller, Nick released his own signature guitar via Schecter in 2016. Johnston has had the opportunity to tour with talented musicians like Plini and David Maxim Micic. In 2019, he also went on a North American tour with the metal bands Between the Buried and Me and The Contortionist. 

Partnering with MPT, the artist gained worldwide exposure and media coverage, landing premieres and features in top tier press outlets such as the Billboard Magazine, Guitar World, and TERRORIZER. Thanks to MusicPromo Today’s efforts and strategic planning, Johnston received great recognition and acclaim.  The music videos of “Remarkably Human,” “Weakened by Winter,” and “Impossible Things,” garnered millions of views on YouTube, putting Nick on the radar of the international media. 

MPT’s Contributions and Services: 

  • Online Presence and Exposure
  • Media Coverage and Press Release
  • Social Media Target Analysis and Strategy Creation
  • SM Content Creation and Distribution
  • SM Campaigns, Promotion, and Growth
  • Audience Targeting and Tribe Building
  • Viral Social Media Marketing Campaigns 
  • YouTube Marketing, Optimization, and Growth
  • Social Media Consultation and Growth Plan
  • Branding, Designing, and Creating Visuals and Graphics

Watch “Weakened by Winter” music video here:

Watch “Impossible Things” music video here:

Watch “Remarkably Human” music video here: