Posted on May 23, 2023 | By Barbara Drews

The Ultimate Guide For Marketing New Music 2023 Edition Part 2: Timeline

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  1. Introduction
    • Briefly introduce the concept of marketing new music.
    • Pre-release Phase
      • Building anticipation
      • Social media promotion
      • Collaborations and features
        • Teasers and sneak peeks
  2. Release Phase
    • Choosing the right release date
    • Distributing the music
    • Creating engaging visuals
    • Implementing an effective marketing campaign
  3. Post-release Phase
    • Leveraging streaming platforms
    • Engaging with fans and followers
    • Planning live performances and tours
    • Analyzing and adjusting marketing strategies
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

The Ultimate Guide for Marketing New Music 2023 Part 2: Timeline

Note: Before we dive into the timeline, make sure you’ve read Part 1 of “The Ultimate Guide for Marketing New Music,” where we discussed the foundational steps of creating a solid marketing plan for your music.


In today’s competitive music industry, it’s crucial for artists to have a well-planned marketing strategy to ensure their new music reaches a wider audience. This guide will walk you through a timeline to effectively market your new music, divided into three key phases: pre-release, release, and post-release.

Pre-release Phase

Building anticipation

Building anticipation is essential for a successful music release. Start by teasing your fans with sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes content on your social media platforms. Create intriguing visuals and engage with your audience to generate excitement.

Social media promotion

Utilize the power of social media platforms to create buzz around your upcoming release. Develop a content calendar that includes engaging posts, such as lyric snippets, album artwork reveals, and exclusive announcements. Collaborate with influencers and fellow artists to expand your reach.

Collaborations and features

Consider collaborating with other artists or featuring guest vocalists on your tracks. This can attract new listeners and help you tap into their existing fan bases, exposing your music to a wider audience. Collaborations also provide opportunities for cross-promotion and increased visibility.

Teasers and sneak peeks

Teasers and sneak peeks are effective marketing tools to generate excitement among your fans. Release short snippets of your upcoming songs, music videos, or interviews to build anticipation. Tease them with intriguing visuals and compelling captions to keep them hooked.

To learn more about the pre-release campaign on YouTube and how to optimize this process, check it out!

Release Phase

Choosing the right release date

Selecting the right release date is crucial for maximizing your music’s impact. Consider factors such as holidays, major events, and the release schedules of other artists. Aim for a date that allows you to stand out and grab your audience’s attention without getting lost in the noise.

Distributing the music

Choose a reliable music distribution service to ensure your music is available on all major streaming platforms. Platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music are essential for reaching a global audience. Make sure your release is properly formatted, tagged, and optimized for searchability.

Creating engaging visuals

Visual content is a powerful tool for capturing your audience’s attention. Invest in high-quality music videos, lyric videos, or album cover art that resonates with your brand and complements your music. Engaging visuals can help your music stand out and leave a lasting impression.

Implementing an effective marketing campaign

Craft a comprehensive marketing campaign that includes online and offline promotion. Leverage social media ads, email newsletters, press releases, and targeted influencer partnerships to amplify your reach. Engage with your fans through contests, giveaways, and exclusive content to keep them engaged.

Post-release Phase

Leveraging streaming platforms

Streaming platforms play a crucial role in promoting and monetizing your music. Utilize playlists, pitch your music to curators, and encourage your fans to add your tracks to their own playlists. Collaborate

The best ways to promote and manage your music, you can check them out via the link ahead, one you can start right after this one is a guide on brand messaging.

Top 25 content types for marketing your music campaign

During the timeline of marketing new music, you will need various marketing materials to effectively promote and engage with your audience. Here is a list of 25 key marketing materials that are essential for a successful music marketing campaign:

Ultimate Guide On How To Market Your New Music
Ultimate Guide On How To Market Your New Music

Promotion Ideas When You Are About To Market Your New Music

Not everything on this list will be possible to accomplish for all artists. So sit down with your team, inspire yourself from our blogs and get creative on delivery, and customization, and build something that fits with your brand!

During the timeline of marketing new music, you will need various marketing materials to effectively promote and engage with your audience. Here is a list of 25 key marketing materials that are essential for a successful music marketing campaign:

  1. Social media posts
  2. Album cover art
  3. Music video
  4. Teaser trailers
  5. Lyric videos
  6. Behind-the-scenes footage
  7. Press release
  8. Artist bio
  9. Email newsletters
  10. Promotional posters
  11. Online banners and ads
  12. Website or landing page
  13. Merchandise (t-shirts, hats, etc.)
  14. Album or single artwork for streaming platforms
  15. Exclusive content for fans (such as bonus tracks or remixes)
  16. Digital press kit
  17. Online music streaming profiles (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.)
  18. Collaboration announcements and visuals
  19. Fan contests and giveaways
  20. Targeted influencer partnerships
  21. Radio and podcast interviews
  22. Music reviews and testimonials
  23. Live performance footage – Tour posters and flyers
  24. Analytics and data reports to measure the success of your marketing efforts

These marketing materials will help you create a cohesive and engaging campaign, allowing you to connect with your audience and build anticipation for your new music release.

MPT Agency, is your partner in strategic releases

Any way you want to look at it, the most significant element of your plan will be how it is timed in the overall market it is performing. MPT Agency has the experience and network to make any campaign mobilize in full force. Knowing the whole picture and planning with every element at your disposal isn’t easy when you’re banging out 20 hours a week of studio time. Our experts can help you plan proper release times and make sure your content is being distributed from the right angle without resources going to waste.

Let’s take your career to the next level!

Take a look at our music promo services that combines all of these elements !

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