Posted on March 6, 2021 | By MusicPromoToday

Adapt Your Social Media Strategy To A Post-Pandemic World

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The global pandemic became the reason for critical changes and innovations in every industry. Meanwhile, the digital world and especially digital advertising faced some historical turns of events with outstanding numbers of return on investments from social media channels. Check out MusicPromoToday’s piece on the essential social media platforms that can 10X your engagement.

According to the Special Covid-19 Edition of The CMO Survey, total social media spending has increased by 74%, rising from 13.3% to 23.2% in June 2020. Whereas the amount of money companies tend to spend on traditional advertising channels decreased as CMOs calculated approximately a 5.3% cut for the coming 12 months. This justifies the importance of advertising on social media.

The CMO Survey also brought a highly unexpected and interesting aspect to the surface. It found out that even though throughout previous years there was a clear and steady rise of investments on social media, its self-reported contribution to overall company performance has risen sharply, up 24% since only February 2020. This means that social media’s impact on companies’ success has remained relatively flat since 2016, despite the rising buzz around it. Yet, Covid-19 has changed the statistics drastically, and social media’s impact will only increase from now on. 

The new situation makes it crucial for marketers to adapt their social media strategies to crises that boost social media consumption demand—especially considering that CMOs (chief marketing officers) predict social media investments remaining high into 2021. They anticipate 23.4% of marketing budgets to be used on social media channels, 60.8% stated that they have “shifted resources to building customer-facing digital interfaces,” and 56.2% mentioned to “transform their go-to-market business models to focus on digital opportunities.” 

What a great age to be a social media marketer!

As the post-pandemic world is nothing any of us has ever encountered, becoming flexible and adapting remains a necessity to find the best strategies for driving consumers toward your digital offerings. 

We have some hands-on tips to help you drive growth and increase of awareness. 

Exceptional Situations Demand Exceptional Measures

Yes, exceptional situations demand exceptional measures; you have to go beyond your comfort zone and start experimenting and even improvising sometimes. Let your creativity do the job but don’t forget about data. Analyzing won’t drive results, dive in with a minimal spend, monitor and adjust. Re-adjust. Optimize. This gets you closer to proper conversions. In the case of an artist or a band, a conversion is a stream of on Spotify, a stream on YouTube, a purchase of merchandise or ticket sales. 

Migrate into new channels & use new features

Every emerging artist wants to reach fandom on Instagram. Every band is told to have a page on Bandcamp or Reverbnation. We recommend having a presence on every social media platform. Post content on every platform. And do it regularly. If you have an Instagram page with 100K followers and the platform vanishes in a month, what is your plan B? 

Strategize, prepare and publish meaningful content on every platform. 

It’s equally imperative to join new digital platforms and analyze new growth opportunities on an ongoing basis. New platforms give you access to new tools, new ways to build a bigger reach and impressions. 

Here are a few interesting new features driving bigger reach on existing platforms. 

Instagram Reels, TikTok’s Business Feature, Stitch to name a few. Did you know that a 15 second TikTok video gets a bigger reach than a 15 second video on your Instagram timeline? Did you know that a 15 second video on Instagram reel gets you much more impressions than a story or timeline post of 15 seconds Instagram? Did you know that the time users spends to watch you post or read you caption is much more valuable than getting a like on the actual post on Instagram? These are a few growth hacking strategies you can discover on your own by experimenting and increasing your activity time on these platforms. 

Choose Wisely

Experimenting with new platforms and features is important for growth, but you also need to choose THE ONE. The one place where you spend more time than others. As an artist, you can’t spread yourself too thin running your marketing… why? because you should focus on what matters first; the music. You have to be in the studio most of the time, in the booth, recording, writing or producing music. This is where MusicPromoToday comes in, with strategies, shortcuts and growth hacking skills to save you time and resources. Here are 3 Tips To Step Up Your Fanbase In Rough Times. If your comfortable and a natural in front of the camera, do more videos, post on Instagram and TikTok. If you’re better at writing, hop on Twitter! If you prefer writing longer posts, Linked In and Facebook are the places to be. The same longer captions work for IG and can be posted in parts on Twitter too. Choose wisely. 

To Wrap Up

Times change and trends too. Analyze what type of consumers are attracted by which platforms. The Mind of a Digitally Native Music Consumer will help you identify the type of content to curate for them. Remember to keep the following marketing misconceptions in mind.  

We hope that our blog posts keep your entertained. Make sure to put everything you are reading into practise. Execution is 🔑 !

Exceptional Situations Demand Exceptional Measures

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