The online video-sharing and SM platform launched the @handle feature to simplify people’s online interactions and help them connect with each other faster and easier. The new feature allows creators to promote their YouTube presence and drive traffic to their profiles.
YouTube explained in a statement:
“Handles are a new unique identifier (example @youtubecreators) & ALL YouTube channels will have one. Your unique @handle feature will help people find & interact with you & your YouTube channel. And because handles are unique (unlike channel names), it’s easy to confirm if you’re engaging with the right person or not.”
In the same way as its counterparts; Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram, the @handle feature will directly link people to the content you post and offer better branding opportunities by running as a unique channel URL. Until recently, custom channel URLs have only been available to Youtubers with 100 subscriptions and above. With this new addition, the app will make it accessible to all users no matter the number of subscribers.
@handle feature is also created to reduce copycat channels and stop scammers from replicating popular ones. With each channel having its own personal @handle feature, swindlers will have a hard time copying existing accounts. On a more fun note, the new feature will permit users to mention channels in comments, community posts, and video descriptions, “For example, creators can be shouted out in a mention in comments or tagged in the title of a recent collab, helping them increase visibility and reach with new audiences.”
Channel owners must take into account that they have till November 14th to choose their own handle, otherwise, YouTube will assign them automatically, “Over the next few weeks, we’ll slowly open access for all YouTube channels to choose a unique @handle feature. If you don’t choose one by November 14th, we will begin assigning handles automatically based on your channel name (which you can change!).”
Just as YouTube wants to ensure the best service for its creators, MusicPromoToday also focuses on delivering all-around assistance to its clients. Providing aspiring and established artists with everything they need to further enhance their careers, MPT offers a wide range of services that help promote any musician’s online presence and digital footprint.
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