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For Submitting Your Info

We will review the details and get back to you within 24 hours.



We review the artist profile and release to see if it’s a great fit for our agency.


Release Calendar Action Plan

We create a custom strategy and plan based on your release calendar.


Proposal Offer & Contract Agreement

We submit a proposal and a contract agreement to sign prior engagement.

Submission Details

    Thank you for your submission.
    We appreciate your patience and will be in touch soon.

    Submission Details

      Thank you for your submission.
      We appreciate your patience and will be in touch soon.

      Submission Details

        Thank you for your submission.
        We appreciate your patience and will be in touch soon.

        Submission Details

          Thank you for your submission.
          We appreciate your patience and will be in touch soon.

          Submission Details

            Thank you for your submission.
            We appreciate your patience and will be in touch soon.

            Submission Details

              Thank you for your submission.
              We appreciate your patience and will be in touch soon.

              Submission Details

                Thank you for your submission.
                We appreciate your patience and will be in touch soon.

                Submission Details

                  Thank you for your submission.
                  We appreciate your patience and will be in touch soon.

                  Become a Member

                  Personal information

                    Total $ 3.00 USD

                    By purchasing the membership,
                    you agree to the Terms of Services