Industry Leading - Music Marketing Campaign Industry Leading - Music Marketing Campaign
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  • Select your campaign services

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Musical Style

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PR Placements


Do you have a story, article or press release ready to go ? Let us get to the all the major outlets around the world.

Radio & Podcasts

Your song will be sent to over 200 different key outlets across your target region to have your music and message resonate across the Air.

Media Outreach


A customized, SEO friendly article is sent out to over 800 - 1000 outlets from blogs to news sites to major press.

This includes sending your article to journalists for targeted rewrites and media collaborations.



includes instagram & twitter

includes blogs & socials

includes blogs, live magazines, radio

Have your story heard by key industry stakeholders, build brand authority and share the truth behind your music.

Creative Services

word count and category options:

For all of your socials that is engaging, and relevant to your brand.

Soundcloud icon

SM + Content Creation

Organic Model

4 mock ups, weekly posting schedule, 15% budget dedication to ads, photo - banner - thumbnail - video - custom graphics



Playlisting is the backbone of every distribution strategy for an artist, start the right way today, and get your music out there.

Fan Engagement

Verification Optimization


${{ price + 2500 }} ${{ price }}

Approx. Campaign Reach:

{{ campaignReach }}

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                    Total $ 3.00 USD

                    By purchasing the membership,
                    you agree to the Terms of Services