When else would be a better time to promote your music than around the holidays? The holidays are one of the ideal times to sell and optimize your marketing efforts, so if you aren’t planning for them now, you’d be missing a huge chance. It’s time to cheer up and read some pointers for musicians on music promotion.
Why relax and sit back when you could be coming up with fantastic items to offer and smarter ways to advertise yourself at a time of year when people are more likely to offer, have fun, and purchase things?
Get off the couch and let’s start making strategic plans! Below are some things you can do throughout the holiday season:
Release A Holiday Single
Probably the first thing that comes to mind is this, but you’re too exhausted to give it any more thought. However, if you have the skill to do a really fantastic version of a traditional Christmas song or even to create your own, this is a superb investment.
Connect And Network
Never forget that in order to advance in your career, you must constantly network and establish partnerships. Who knows, maybe at one of these Christmas gatherings you’ll meet someone who changes your life. Additionally, having a community is wonderful, even if the majority of people can’t immediately drive you to the top,
Holiday E-Card
Making your followers feel unique and special while being simple to do. Send an email including a unique message, an artwork, a free download, or a video.
Thank The People
We’re referring to the significant people who have helped you advance in your profession, including managers, agents, bloggers, and PR specialists. Essentially, your small family in the business.
Christmas-Themed Merch
Keep in mind that Christmas is more than just a season for peppermint candy and gingerbread cookies. A new launch of merch is also due. You can create face masks, pins, stickers, mugs, fuzzy socks, or hoodies in addition to t-shirts. Even if you only add a tiny Christmas pun to your advertising, change up your merch to fit the holiday spirit!
Sale! Sale! Sale!
Sales are always popular. Put products for sale if you still have band merch lying around from the touring days that you’d like to sell. You can always create more merch to coincide with your next album or release after you’ve cleared them out.
Discount Codes
Customers are frequently given discount codes as a perk to encourage them to make additional purchases. A good strategy to draw customers and entice music listeners to become repeat buyers is to temporarily lower the price of your music or merch.
Social Media Marketing
Your followers on social media are numerous. They feel at ease there, and it’s a simple method to connect with a larger audience who might not be as familiar with your music yet.
Speaking about social media…
Add The Holiday Spice To Your Social Media Profiles
Throw some holiday happiness on your social media sites. Make your social media accounts a cheerful place to visit by updating your profiles and banner with holiday-themed photos.
Don’t Forget To… Perform!
During the holidays, a lot of communities host public events. Contact the office of the city council in your area right once to inquire about performance possibilities. You could benefit locally from the visibility on their event flyers, newsletters, website, and social media platforms, and it will strengthen your electronic press kit moving into 2023.
Final Thoughts
Finally, the Christmas season is a fantastic time to write and distribute music that uplifts listeners. Whether you go with a well-known favorite or decide to try your hand at creating Christmas music, if you do it well, you can even hit the Billboard Holiday 100 charts while earning some money in the process.
These Christmas tips are just the beginning. If you want to learn more about how to elevate your musical journey, check out our blog and Instagram for more ideas on how to improve your marketing strategies and level up.
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