Posted on September 30, 2022 | By John Reynolds

The Ultimate Truth Behind Media Interviews, Tips & Tricks For Musicians

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To Ace A Media Interview you need to accept the ultimate truth behind media interviews. One of the finest methods to inform your audience about who you are in your own words is media interviews. However, going on an interview is nerve-wracking, especially if your career is just getting started.

Interviews frequently do not feel natural. It’s hard to shake off the sense of being recorded or the fear of saying poorly chosen words that harm your career.

In truth, media appearances are another sort of performance. They are quite helpful for gaining new fans and creating buzz. But, you have to put in the same level of preparation that you do for a live show. 

Since interviews are all about your biggest passion —your music— there are more media outlets than ever seeking to interview musicians. Magazines, blogs, podcasts, radio and television programs, YouTube channels, etc.

In all the scenarios you will either be contributing background information and quotations for a story as the subject of the interview. Or the audio/video of your interaction will serve as the article’s actual content. Therefore, you should have thought out some of the topics before getting on the phone or the air with a journalist.

Behind Media Interviews,

Pretty Much Everything We Know About Interviewing

Sure, you can certainly wing it and still deliver a captivating interview if you are quick-witted and self-assured. But for the rest of you, here are some tried-and-true pieces of advice to ease follow.

Stay Calm

Interviews are just conversations. Keep in mind that the interviewer possibly feels the same way if you are feeling nervous. Reporters and journalists are taught to carry on uninterrupted conversations. 

They’ll frequently take extended pauses since they know you will have to talk more to fill the awkward quiet. Do not give in to the pressure. It is OK to take your time and consider your response before responding.

Be Sincere And Honest

It is OK to avoid being “politically correct” or to support topics you do not genuinely care about. Both interviewers and readers can see straight through it. 

Consider your fanbase’s moral standards and passions, and reach out to those you share. Otherwise, you risk being the target of an internet witch hunt. After all, is defending your position on the day’s most controversial issue worth endangering your career? Definitely not.

Investigate the team behind media interviews

Before engaging with a newspaper or channel, do some research to make sure that your morals are aligned. To make sure it is a good fit, research its demographics, topics, and overall reach. Look up previous articles written by the journalist you will be chatting with. This might help you anticipate their questions.

Give a chance to smaller, regional blogs despite that. You never know what companies those bloggers may eventually work with. Additionally, visitors of smaller blogs sometimes follow them with far greater devotion, potentially creating devoted followers.

Be Well-Prepared

Unless there is an urgent matter, arrive on time for your interview. Don’t change your schedule because it is very unappealing. It can harm your reputation with prospective publishers forever.

If you are doing an email interview, make an effort to use proper grammar. Copy editing is ultimately their responsibility. But doing your part shows the reporter that you are aware of their time-consuming duties. 

Be professional! This benefits you in the long run since journalists communicate with one another.

What’s Your Story?

Do you know the details of your musical journey? What’s the best part? Why would a stranger be interested in your music or story if they had never heard of you? 

Get it. Know it. Bring to a boil. 

Do not give everything away! Reserve the best material for each interview you are on.

Practice Makes Perfect: a fundamental Truth Behind Media Interviews,

Ask yourself questions frequently. Create some intriguing responses to make sure you have covered all the essential parts. 

Then, say your response loudly. Why loudly? Because your breath flutters and your heart beats quicker when you are anxious. You also start to stutter. Then you are doomed!

Hence, you can reduce your anxiety by practicing aloud before the event.

Avoid One-Word Answers

Do not be hesitant to go into depth; the interview’s goal is to learn more about you and your music.

There is a distinction between providing in-depth, engaging responses and endless rambling, though. Allow the interviewer to intervene if necessary to keep the dialogue moving.

Therefore, With a Partner like MPT, you’ll know the truth behind media interviews,

Remember these techniques the next time you are feeling anxious or nervous before an interview.  Do not allow fear to stop you from going for the job since one amazing interview may lead to a career full of them (and one terrible one typically will not ruin you).

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