Posted on May 11, 2020 | By MusicPromoToday

5 PROVEN Ways To Get Signed to a Record Label

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Are you a musician with great music who is ready to get signed with a record label? Or maybe you’ve always thought about how artists get signed with major label companies. Yes, you will need to put in a lot of hard work and dedication in order to accomplish your end-goal, but MusicPromoToday is here to provide you with these simple techniques to make your life easier. Follow these simple steps of how to get a record deal and you’ll be one step closer to your dream!

Amazing Music Is Key To Get Signed

The key and most important part of all is making sure your music and music promotion campaign is absolutely AMAZING and well setup! You need to have your craft perfected and down to its core if you want to make it big in the industry. Try asking professionals for feedback. Before you even begin to send your music to various record labels, send it over to people whose opinion you value. This doesn’t mean you family and friends because they won’t give you an unbiased answer! You need hard constructive criticism. Once you receive it, take the criticism and work with it. You don’t have to incorporate everyone’s corrections, but, if a few people do point out the same thing, then maybe you should consider it. 

Have Professional Social Accounts

The next step to focus in order to get signed is to really concentrate on the presentation of your sound. First impression on your music promo matters. People will never forget how they felt when they heard your music for the first time. When you get a label company to hear your music, they’re most likely going to check you out on social media. And if they really like your sound then this will definitely happen. We’re not just talking about Instagram, we’re talking about all social media platforms. So you want to impress these people! Make sure you have your accounts set up on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Spotify, and SoundCloud. Be sure to make the URLs the same for each platform. This is going to make you look professional and polished. Having your own website, again with the same name, will be great as well!

Think Like A Label

Label companies are a business so to help the chances of you getting signed you must know what label companies are looking for and what they want to see. Once you’ve figured this out, you will be able to cater their needs better. Going back to what we said in the beginning of this section, a label company has costs for music distributions, music marketing, artist branding, designing and more. They must generate some kind of revenue in order to pay these costs. The revenue is generated by selling music, hosting events, selling merch etc.. So regardless if they’re focusing on mainstream or underground music, they need to make money in order to make ends meet. If you think about it, they are going to look for an artist who will assist them in making money. An artist who is passionate, dedicated, has some kind of a fan base, mind-blowing music promotion, a good look with artist branding, and strategic music marketing. If you have all this, or at least a few, then you will look very appealing to record labels!

Stand Out (and not just with your music) 

If you were able to land a conversation with a record label, be sure to show them your genuine and honest interest. Focus on the person who is sitting in front of you. Don’t talk about yourself too much, ask questions and be aware of what they’ve been up to– take it to social media to do your research. Generally speaking, people tend to do more for people they like and have a connection with. On top of asking them questions and showing interest, get creative. Give them ideas or comments where they can benefit from as well. Make their lives easier and better by pointing out something they might have missed. They will be appreciative for all of this. Connect with higher positioned people and be bold. There is nothing wrong with that. Great things come out of taking small risks like these.

Network and Build Relationships 

In order to get signed, you must connect with people! This simply means you can follow them on their social media accounts. If you know their names, add them on FaceBook and click the follow button on Twitter. Respond to their posts and reply to their tweets on a regular basis. You can even just say ‘hi.’ These are great conversation starters and can open a dialogue about your future career plans. Add value to your actions by attempting what you feel most comfortable and confident in doing. The employees will see and appreciate your consistency and dedication. 

Wrap Up

And there you go! This is all there is to it! There isn’t much difficulty getting signed. You just need to combine a few things like remarkable music, music promotion, proper presentation, adopting the record label companies mindset, standing out with your artist branding, and networking! If you’re able to do this, your future will be looking brighter than ever.

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