Posted on September 19, 2022 | By Barbara Drews

What To Feature To Have The Best Musician Website

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Could there be only 10 Reasons why a website is essential for musicians? Duh, no, it is beyond essential, and here is why.

You may already have a strong online presence given the accessibility of social media and streaming services. Why hence is a website necessary for a musician to stand out, and what to feature to have the best musician website

Having your music website conveys professionalism and shows business professionals that you are serious about your music career. The greatest approach to establishing sincere bonds with your followers is in a venue that you control and own. Here are 10 reasons why musicians should have their websites and it should feature to be the best musician website

Information Hub

You may consolidate all of your promotional material by creating an artist website. It will be easy for both you and the audience you’re attempting to reach if you can house it all in one location and update it as needed.

Full Ownership And Control

Online identity is permanently established once you have a website. You may simply transfer your domain and all of your material if you wish to switch website hosts. You have complete control over when and how the audience interacts with your material.

Conveys Your Unique Personality

A website may be anything you want it to be since it is not constrained by a news feed or a set number of characters. With blog articles and images, you may be as personal as you would on social networking.

What To Feature To Have The Best Musician Website
What To Feature To Have The Best Musician Website

More Permanent Than Social Media

Social media platforms are excellent channels for promoting your band and your music. A website, on the other hand, is always there and is not affected by algorithm updates or buyouts. Neither poor organic reach nor bought posts can control you.

Search Engine Visibility for Musicians

One of the first places industry experts will look for you online is Google. When people look for your name online, promoters, venue booker, journalists, bloggers, and the media will anticipate finding your website. If not, your name can be lost in the crowd.

An EPK Will Showcase Everything

Before hiring you for an event, any booking agency or promoter will look at your website. You may take advantage of this by putting your greatest work on display and including your latest music and videos in an EPK that is directly linked to your website. 

Direct Connections – Grow an Email List To Have The Best Musician Website

Regular email communication is a great approach to advertising your future releases, tours, and crowdsourcing initiatives. To grow your email list, you might provide a free track download to your fans in return for an email address on your website.

Merch & Music Sales

To support their favorite musicians throughout the pandemic, many fans turned to internet music and merchandise stores. Make sure to include merchandise on your website if you’ve already begun to grow a following.

Did you know that pre-sales count towards the first week 1 sales of a release?

Imagine a couple of thousand sales from your website. You can quickly jump on the Apple and even Billboard charts. A strategy often used by MPT for new artists with an existing core fanbase.

Organic SEO

Your artist name and the most recent music you’ve released can be mentioned in the text on your pages if you have your own music website. Based on your artist name, you can select a personalized domain. As a consequence, Google will associate your artist name’s keywords with your website.

More Insights On Your Audience

To find out where your fans are coming from and which songs they play the most, set up Smart Links with Landing pages. Page-level data enables you to better understand your audience whether you’re launching a marketing campaign or promoting a new record.

How To Create The Best Musician Website 

Now that you understand the benefits of having a website for musicians, you’re prepared to start building one that will serve your needs. 

From choosing a template to organizing the material and promoting it, we’ll examine everything you need to create a professional music website.

Templates for The Best Musician Website

You may think of a template as the framework for your music website. The components you want are included in website templates for musicians. You can then edit to match your sound and aesthetic preferences.

Header Image

The first thing you should do is choose a high-quality image that accurately represents you and what you do. To give your website visitors an immediate impression of you and your music, you will utilize this image in the header as a reminder of your website template.


The menu on your music website should include five to eight pages. The ideal placement for your menu is above, below, or to the left of your header picture, where viewers will naturally search for it. Although a vertical sidebar menu also adds a unique touch, a horizontal menu is more typical.


Pick a template with a straightforward content section if you intend to add a lot of information to your website. This will allow you room to design visually appealing arrangements for your text and graphics, page by page. Select a template with a full-width content option to give your pages a roomy appearance.


You should select a mobile-responsive template to guarantee that visitors on mobile devices have a positive experience. It will therefore adjust to look fantastic on any screen or device. The SEO of your website will also be enhanced with a mobile-responsive template.


Once the design for your music website is in place, select colors to alter the appearance. Generally speaking, you should stay with 3 major colors to maintain a unified and polished appearance. Additionally, you must ensure that the color scheme of your website complements your kind of music, personality, and current musical status.


From your musician profile page to your electronic press kit, your music website will be filled with text. Use colorful fonts, keep the accents constant, and make sure it’s easy to read.

An EPK or Electronic Press Kit Is Always Available On The Best Musician’s Website

Create an EPK or Electronic Press kit that includes:

  • Biography
  • Music
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Press releases
  • Reviews
  • Recent highlights
  • Achievements
  • Contacts

Wrapping Up

A decent website is a need for every artist, whether they are releasing a new single, selling older albums, applying for festivals or grants, or giving music lessons. To build a community around your music, make sure your content is engaging and always up to date.

MPT Agency can assist you in developing a music website that exudes professionalism and demonstrates to hiring managers that you are committed to a career in music. To find out what other services can enhance your musical career, make sure you check our blog regularly and follow us on Instagram for more music marketing-related updates.

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